The horses are ready and the boys and I are looking forward to seeing everyone! There is a lot of information in this email so be sure to read all of it but as always we'll keep you posted on the DPC WhatsApp.
Now that the season has started we will be updating everyone with the current news via, WhatsApp. Please make sure you have downloaded the app (its free), lets us know so we can add you to the "DPC 2019 Chat." That being said we need to make sure that the information that is on the WhatsApp is for club stuff only...or people stop listening and miss information. I'll send emails with news and events and monthly updates. The chukker lists, cancellations, and up to the minute updates will be on WhatsApp.
Player Schedule(Click each month to see the schedule)
Here are few things to note:May 4th - Kentucky Derby Party after poloMay 11th - Miss Rodeo Colorado Horsemanship Clinic (click here for more info)May 17th - Grass Season startsMay 18th - Rocky Mountain Alliance Polo Open HouseMay 26th - Rocky Mountain Circuit Welcome Party at TBA (possible Carboy Winery)May 31-June 1 & 2 - Celebration of The Horse proceeds go to Rocky Mountain Alliance
We are SOOOOOO excited to partner this year with Rocky Mountain Children's Alliance! Rocky Mountain Alliance Children's Foundation (RMA) is a local non-profit organization with a mission to improve the lives and well-being of Denver-area children-in-need. Run by budding female philanthropists, RMA simultaneously develops professional young women who work together to impact their community.
For more information and to get your VIP Cabana check for more information!
Here is the club handicap list. We'll adjust this each month and use it for the club tournaments. If you do not see your name or the information is not correct please let us know.